Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ukrainian PR: is there one?

by Päivi Jauhiainen

Today is my turn to write our blog but unfortunatelly I'm having a terrible migraine. I'll try to write something but my eyes are not "fit" at the moment to look at the screen for a long time, so I will keep my comments short. Hopefully there will be at least some sort of reason and logic in my text...

I was searching the internet and also aour university's library web pages for information about Ukraine and PR. I found nothing from our university library and also the internet results were quite poor. In my opinion, this is because PR is a relatively new matter in Ukraine. One webpage ( ) told that some critics say that Ukrainian PR is nonexistent and others say that " it does exist and has its own schools, principles, theories and 'national peculiarities'". In any case, there are only few Ukrainian PR companies and they are still relatively young. In addition, many Ukrainian companies and organisations rather use international PR companies than domestic ones. For example, the webpage shows how the "oldest" PR company in Kiev was founded in 1993 so the industry is new in Ukraine.

All this can perhaps explained by their history as a part of Soviet Union, where there was no need for PR in a form as we see it. Ukrainian PR industry is apparently trying to learn from its western counterparts and to build up a PR culture of their own. On the other hand, it would seem to me that they are now at the learning stage rather that making their own new theories about the matter. We can only hope that the western way of doing PR is the best to work in Ukraine too and that it fits their communication culture. On the web pagfe of The European Public Relations Confederation ( ) is information about a conference which was held in Ukraine in 2006. The page tells about the young state of Ukrainian PR and how it has been possible only from 2004 for Ukrainaian PR specialists to make qualification degrees in PR. The page also tells that Ukrainian PR is very young but very dynamically growing industry.

Sorry, this is all I am able to write today. I promise i'll be better next week. Now I'm off to bed to cure my headache. I hope this not an early stage of the "oink, oink" flue...


  1. Right now Ukraine could be very interesting place to practise public relations. It would be fascinating to be one of the professionals who are creating the country's pr field from the beginning..

  2. Talk about sacrifice, writing blog posts in migraine! Interesting research findings, though - and Sanna had a good comment.

    Get well soon!

  3. Oh that is a good post, even if written without migraine. Big thanks for being so loyal to our group and working even when ill.

    Hopefully your migraine is over now and no signs of the "piggyflu" have followed!

  4. hey!!
    I assume that PR field will grow very rapidly in Eastern countries which have a past in the Soviet union. I think that the Eastern members of the EU are able to create a PR culture in their country within a few years... What do you think?

  5. Maria, what will be interesting to see is that will the culture be their own and suit their own practices or do they just go with the western flow. One thing that will surely influense this is that how their own communication and especially businss culture will evolve; will it be similar to western culture or do they create their own business culture. Ofcourse, every country has their own business culture, but I'm talking about the big picture here, the ideology of the market forces used.
